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Tryhackme: Lookup Writeup

Lab link. Your local sticker shop has finally developed its own webpage. They do not have too much experience regarding web development, so they decided to develop and host everything on the same computer that they use for browsing the internet and looking at customer feedback. Smart move! Can you read the flag at http://MACHINE_IP:8080/flag.txt? …

Advent of Cyber 2024 Day 16: The Wareville’s Key Vault grew three sizes that day.

Lab link. Questions 1. What is the password for backupware that was leaked? az ad user list –filter “startsWith(‘wvusr-‘, displayName)” R3c0v3r_s3cr3ts! 2. What is the group ID of the Secret Recovery Group? 7d96660a-02e1-4112-9515-1762d0cb66b7 3. What is the name of the vault secret? az account clearaz login -u -p R3c0v3r_s3cr3ts! az keyvault list az keyvault …