Showing 3 Result(s)

TexSAW2024 Forensics: Malicious Threat Writeup

CTF link. In the wake of recent security breaches, it has become paramount to ensure the integrity and safety of our systems. A routine audit of our admin activity logs has revealed several anomalies that could suggest a breach or an attempted breach. These logs are critical to understanding the actions taken by users with …

TexSAW2024 OSINT: Geo-Location Writeup

CTF link. Find what street this picture was taken from. Format the flag as the following: The street name in all caps with the spaces replaced by underscores. Write the full word for any abbreviated parts of the name. Example: If the street was Bourbon St the flag would be: texsaw{BOURBON_STREET} When we look at the …

TexSAW2024 OSINT: Sherlock Writeup

CTF link. I need to study for a class but the quizlet I’m using has jumbled up answers that just don’t make sense. Can you figure out how to read it? When we go to the Quizlet application, we see the Twitter link of the creator. The Twitter account “Vigenère cipher! 🔑 HACK” shows …