Showing 63 Result(s)

Tryhackme: iOS Analysis Writeup

Discover the forensic artefacts present within iOS. Room Link Task 2: iOS Pairing 2.1. What is the name of a type of certificate that is used when an iPhone and a device pair together? Trust Certificate 2.2. What is the expiry timer on these certificates? 30 Days Task 3: Preserving Evidence 3.1. What is the …

Tryhackme: SSRF Writeup

Discover the inner workings of SSRF and explore multiple exploitation techniques. Room link. Task2: Anatomy of SSRF Attack 2.1. What is the average weighted impact for the SSRF vulnerability as per the OWASP Top 10? 6.72 Task 3: Types of SSRF – Basic If we change the URL to config, we can access the username, …

Tryhackme: Network Device Hardening Writeup

The Room: “Learn techniques for securing and protecting network devices from potential threats and attacks.” Task 2: Common Threat and Attack Vectors 2.1. The device that is used to control and manage network resource is called? Network device 2.2. A threat vector that includes disruption of critical devices and services to make them unavailable …