The room: “Cracking hashes challenges”
Tools Used
Hashcat is the world’s fastest and most advanced password recovery utility, supporting five unique modes of attack for over 300 highly-optimized hashing algorithms.
The -m parameter is used to specify the hash type. Hash mods are available here. The hash modes to be used in Room are as follows:
-m 0: MD5
-m 100: SHA1
-m 160: HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt)
-m 1000: NTLM
-m 1400: SHA2-256
-m 1800: sha512crypt $6$, SHA512 (Unix) 2
-m 3200: bcrypt $2*$, Blowfish (Unix)
Hash Identifier: Software to identify the different types of hashes used to encrypt data and especially passwords.
CrackStation: uses massive pre-computed lookup tables to crack password hashes.
Used wordlist
Rockyou.txt was used for hashcat tool.
Task 1: Level 1
1.1. 48bb6e862e54f2a795ffc4e541caed4d
hashcat -m 0 -a 0 md5.txt rockyou.txt
1.2. CBFDAC6008F9CAB4083784CBD1874F76618D2A97
hashcat -m 100 -a 0 SHA-1.txt rockyou.txt
1.3. 1C8BFE8F801D79745C4631D09FFF36C82AA37FC4CCE4FC946683D7B336B63032
hashcat -m 1400 -a 0 SHA-256.txt rockyou.txt
1.4. $2y$12$Dwt1BZj6pcyc3Dy1FWZ5ieeUznr71EeNkJkUlypTsgbX1H68wsRom
The hint part of the question says that if we create a list of four-character words of the rockyou list, our hash-breaking time will be shorter, so we narrow our rockyou list using the following command.
awk ‘length == 4’ rockyou.txt >four-character-words.txt
hashcat -m 3200 a 0 Blowfish.txt four-character-words.txt
1.5. 279412f945939ba78ce0758d3fd83daa
Task 2: Level 2
2.1. Hash: F09EDCB1FCEFC6DFB23DC3505A882655FF77375ED8AA2D1C13F640FCCC2D0C85
hashcat -m 1400 -a 0 SHA-256.txt rockyou.txt
2.2. Hash: 1DFECA0C002AE40B8619ECF94819CC1
hashcat -m 1000 -a 0 NTLM.txt rockyou.txt
2.3. Hash: $6$aReallyHardSalt$6WKUTqzq.UQQmrm0p/T7MPpMbGNnzXPMAXi4bJMl9be.cfi3/qxIf.hsGpS41BqMhSrHVXgMpdjS6xeKZAs02.
Salt: aReallyHardSalt
hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 SHA-512.txt rockyou.txt
2.4. Hash: e5d8870e5bdd26602cab8dbe07a942c8669e56d6
Salt: tryhackme
hashcat -m 160 -a 0 SHA-1.txt rockyou.txt