Showing 21 Result(s)

Tryhackme: Lookup Writeup

Lab link. Your local sticker shop has finally developed its own webpage. They do not have too much experience regarding web development, so they decided to develop and host everything on the same computer that they use for browsing the internet and looking at customer feedback. Smart move! Can you read the flag at http://MACHINE_IP:8080/flag.txt? …

SwampCTF 2024 Web: Potion Seller Writeup

CTF link. My potions would kill you, traveler. You cannot handle my potions. The app allows users to borrow gold, buy rotation, and pay back the borrowed gold. To get to Flag, we need to go through certain steps. Borrow gold using the /borrow URL: The user must borrow a certain amount of gold by …

SwampCTF 2024 OSINT: Hidden Snack Stop Writeup

CTF link. I found this really good chips place, but I don’t want it to be crowded, so I’ve blurred everything. Hahaha! The flag is the address of this location as it’s shown on google maps. Good luck! Do not wrap the address in swampCTF{} There are two important clues in the image. If we …

SwampCTF 2024 OSINT: Aerial Attack Writeup

CTF link. Find where this photo was taken! Make sure to keep your eyes out for the hawks though! The flag is the truncated coordinate of this location to the hundredths. For example: (xx.xx, xx.xx) Since we are asked for image coordinates, we add the file to Exiftool. Find here the GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude coordinates …

SwampCTF 2024 OSINT: Lost in Space Writeup

CTF link. I think OSINT challenges are stupid! If they aren’t, prove it! How far away is this? Don’t bother giving me the unit, there’s only one that you should be using in space anyways (use Astronomical Units). The flag entry is extremely forgiving just make sure you get the integer for distance right. This a classic …

SwampCTF 2024 Misc: What the Form Writeup

CTF link. I found this form but it doesn’t go anywhere! I was told I’d find the flag after I’d gone through enough form questions but I’ve answered the same question 20 times and I’m still on the same page… If we go to Google form, no matter how much we try to send the …

TexSAW2024 Forensics: Malicious Threat Writeup

CTF link. In the wake of recent security breaches, it has become paramount to ensure the integrity and safety of our systems. A routine audit of our admin activity logs has revealed several anomalies that could suggest a breach or an attempted breach. These logs are critical to understanding the actions taken by users with …

TexSAW2024 OSINT: Geo-Location Writeup

CTF link. Find what street this picture was taken from. Format the flag as the following: The street name in all caps with the spaces replaced by underscores. Write the full word for any abbreviated parts of the name. Example: If the street was Bourbon St the flag would be: texsaw{BOURBON_STREET} When we look at the …