Advent of Cyber 2024 Day 4: I’m all atomic inside!

McSkidy suspects that an attacker simulated an intrusion using the T1566.001 Spearphishing with an attachment technique defined in the MITRE ATT&CK framework. We will recreate this attack and analyze the artifacts left behind.

PowerShell Usage

1. Running the Help Command in PowerShell

First, the Get-Help Invoke-AtomicTest command is run to get information about what the command does and what parameters are available.

Sample output:

This output lists all parameters that can be used in the Invoke-AtomicTest command and their format.

Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: Defining the Technique and Viewing Test Details:

First, we select the technique we want to test. In this example, we are testing the T1566.001 technique: “Spearphishing with an attachment.”

Invoke-AtomicTest -AtomicTechnique T1566.001 -ShowDetails

This command helps us understand how the test works and what it does.

Step 2: Checking Prerequisites

Before running a test, ensure all dependencies are met using the -CheckPrereq flag. For example:

Invoke-AtomicTest T1566.001 -TestNumbers 1 -CheckPrereq

  • Invoke-AtomicTest: The main command used to start the Atomic Red Team’s attack simulations.
  • T1566.001: MITRE ATT&CK technique to be tested. In this case, “Spearphishing with an attachment”.
  • -TestNumbers 1: Selects test number one within the technique. This test simulates the download of an Excel file containing a malicious macro.
  • -CheckPrereq: Checks if the necessary components are present to run the test.

If prerequisites are missing, the output will provide guidance, such as installing necessary software.

  • PathToAtomicsFolder: Where Atomic Red Team test files are located. In this case C:\Tools\AtomicRedTeam\atomics directory.
  • CheckPrereq’s for: Indicates that all prerequisites for the test have been checked.
  • Prerequisites met: Indicates that all required components are present and the test is executable.

Step 3: Running the Emulation

To execute a specific test, use the -TestNumbers parameter:

Invoke-AtomicTest T1566.001 -TestNumbers 1

  • Example Output: Confirms that a macro-enabled phishing attachment was successfully downloaded. The file is saved in the system’s %TEMP% directory.
  • Logs are generated, which can later be analyzed for attack indicators.

PathToAtomicsFolder: This shows the directory where the Atomic Red Team test files are located. Here the files are located in the C:\Tools\AtomicRedTeam\atomics directory.

  1. Executing test:
    Indicates that the test is being started. In this case:

Test name: “Download Macro-Enabled Phishing Attachment”.
Test: Downloads an Excel file containing a malicious macro. This simulates a scenario in phishing attacks where a user downloads a file via email attachment.

  1. Done executing test:
    Indicates successful completion of the test. The specified attack was executed during the simulation:

File Download: A macro-enabled Excel file was downloaded from a specific URL using PowerShell. This file is usually saved in the %TEMP% directory.

Step 4: Analyzing Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)

After the emulation, analyze logs for signs of the simulated attack. Windows Event Viewer and Sysmon (System Monitor) are used to identify events like:

  1. Process Creation: Logs that show PowerShell executing the Invoke-WebRequest command.
  2. File Creation: Logs indicating the creation of PhishingAttachment.xlsm.

Steps for analysis:

  1. Open Event Viewer and navigate to Applications and Services > Microsoft > Windows > Sysmon > Operational.
  2. Sort logs by Date and Time and look for events related to the emulation.
  3. Focus on:
    • PowerShell execution of Invoke-WebRequest.
    • Creation of the file PhishingAttachment.xlsm

Step 5: Cleanup

To revert the system to its original state:

  1. Remove created files using the -Cleanup flag
    • Invoke-AtomicTest T1566.001 -TestNumbers 1 -Cleanup
  2. Clear Sysmon logs:
    • Open Event Viewer.
    • Right-click Operational and select Clear Log.

Step 6: Creating Detection Rules

Using the artifacts from the emulation, detection rules can be created in formats like Sigma, Yara, or Snort. Example Sigma rule for detecting T1566.001:

Key Detection Points:

  • Invoke-WebRequest Command: Not typical in standard usage; often linked to malicious activity.
  • Malicious URL: http://localhost/PhishingAttachment.xlsm.
  • Payload Filename: PhishingAttachment.xlsm.


1. What was the flag found in the .txt file that is found in the same directory as the PhishingAttachment.xslm artefact?

2. What ATT&CK technique ID would be our point of interest?

3. What ATT&CK subtechnique ID focuses on the Windows Command Shell?

4. What is the name of the Atomic Test to be simulated?

Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.003 -ShowDetails

5. What is the name of the file used in the test?

6. What is the flag found from this Atomic Test?

Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.003

After running the command a calculator opens and we need to save a pdf file. Save and open the file with the name we want and we get the result.

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